Guide Pages

Vajrayana Buddhism in the Modern World: Is Vajrayana for Me?

The teaching and practice of the Vajrayana or ‘Secret Mantra Vehicle’ lies at the heart of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition of Tibet. Based on the motivation of bodhichitta, the Vajrayana is a path centred on cultivating purity of perception. Vajrayana practices emphasise the close guidance of a qualified teacher and employ many special methods such as visualisation, mantra recitation and profound meditation, in order to arrive swiftly at a direct realisation of one’s true nature and the nature of reality itself.

Many masters have reminded us of the importance of educating and preparing ourselves carefully before formally entering the Vajrayana path (when we request to receive an empowerment). To read more about how ‘Vajrayana Main’ fits into the different stages of the path click here

After having spent some time studying and practising the ‘preliminaries to the Vajrayana’ (ngöndro), you might be wanting to learn more about Vajrayana practice and are beginning to reflect about whether or not you want to receive an empowerment and start the main Vajrayana practices (sadhanas). 

  • This guide includes a playlist of curated teachings to get you started on exploring this important topic 
  • You can also find recommendations for more teachings and resources for further study 
8m 8s
Introducing the essence of vajrayana
Sogyal Rinpoche
Haileybury 7 April 2004

Deepening your understanding

Curated by

Sebastien Reggiany

Sebastien Reggiany

Sébastien Reggiany was born in France and fell in love with the Dharma in 1993 while travelling to northern India. He met Sogyal Rinpoche in Paris in 1994, and has studied with him ever since. Quitting his job as a physics teacher and leaving his rock band; he entered a three-year retreat in Lerab Ling, Rigpa’s retreat centre in southern France, from 2006 to 2009. Sébastien later helped organize and hold international Rigpa retreats, serving as Sogyal Rinpoche’s teaching assistant. He is currently focused on supporting Lerab Ling Retreat Centre and Rigpa France to work on the Rigpa Curriculum and its programme of courses and events.

Sébastien has a passion for trying to make sense of the entire path by exploring the sutras, tantras and traditional commentaries, as well as the contemporary ones.

You can find other teaching sessions by Sébastien on Prajna here.

Other resources

Recommended Reading

  • A Brief Presentation of the Nine Vehicles by Alak Zenkar Rinpoche 
  • The Nine Yanas And Essential Advice On How To Practice, Rigpa publication 2004, available here.
  • The Essence of Vajrayana by Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche, New Delhi 11 January 2015, 
  • The Guru Drinks Bourbon? by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse (Boston: Shambala, 2016)
  • Poison is Medicine: Clarifying the Vajrayana by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, (Siddhartha’s Intent 2021)
  • The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche, chapters 8, 9,10.
  • The Words of My Perfect Teacher by Patrul Rinpoche (Boston: Shambhala, Revised edition, 1998), pages 8-10. Also the Translator’s Introduction on Vajrayana coming to the west  is really great.

Further Reading
  • Masters of Meditation and Miracles, by Tulku Tondup edited by Harold Talbott (Boston: Shambhala, 1999), page 10. 
  • The Small Golden Key by Thinley Norbu (Shambhala Publications, 1999), pages 35-37.
  • Magic Dance: The Display of the Self-Nature of the Five Wisdom Dakinis by Thinley Norbu (Shambala 1998).

Specialists Available for Questions or Guidance

If you have any questions or require further guidance or advice, you can contact the following practice holders and teachers:

Annette Moeker
Languages spoken: German & English

Eric Soyeux
Languages spoken: Dutch & English

Fred Chastelas
Languages spoken: French & English

Karin Krüger
Languages spoken: German & English

Mary-Ellen Kelleher
Languages spoken: English & French

Michelle Fein
Languages spoken: English

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